Online lessons

Online lessons

Due to the corona crisis, online group classes are now also offered. The focus is on the individual rhythmic development of the participants. The lessons are mainly theoretical, but there are also practical exercises. The following topics are covered:

-Read music notes: the ability to perform a notated rhythm
-Rhythmic ear training: being able to notate a performed rhythm
- Odd time signatures such as 5/4, 7/4 and 11/8
-Polyrhythm and polypulse
-Advanced Rhythm: being able to execute and understand very complex rhythms using the South Indian Solkattu ("Takidimi")
-ABC system: construct and identify claves within this system
-Drum technique and rudiments

The lessons are given via Zoom on Wednesday evenings, from 20:00 to 21:30. The costs are 15 euros per person per lesson. Registration is via the contact form.
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